Monday, June 29, 2015


I have seen the immediate usefulness with these blogs and the RSS aggregators. Networking! I have gone through and read many blog posts from my fellow classmates and a few of them have mentioned they are in the same boat as me this year: new tech teachers who are maybe a little nervous about their new, but exciting positions. I will continue to reach out to them over the next couple weeks and hopefully a real collaborative relationship can form so that we can bounce ideas off of each other before the school year starts in August. If any of you reading this post are new technology teachers of any kind or old ones too, let me know and I will be very happy to try and collaborate with you because God knows I'll need a lot of tips and tricks to get me through my first year being a technology teacher in my school. By the way, I will be teaching computer applications, web design, and programming (Scratch, python, and java) next year.


  1. Nathan, I couldn't agree more! Blogs are a great networking tool. I teach an undergraduate instructional technology course for future teachers, so I am always looking for new and interesting digital resources to share with my students. I plan to keep using my RSS feed and Twitter to stay in the loop!

  2. Hi Nate,
    While I’m not yet in a teaching role, please count me in on your old and new techy collab. I would love to hear from all of you how the things we have learned in the last year play out in a real live classroom. Excited, yes, but nervous you should not be. The knowledge and skills we have learned here are a wealth of relevant and exciting material that students will dive into. I wish all of you the best as you take on your new responsibilities. You’ll do great.
